Climax has been a respected name in the global games industry since before the launch of the Sony Playstation. Our deep reservoirs of expertise and experience on both indie and AAA titles keep us at the industry’s cutting edge, and we work with top developers and organisations including Google, Microsoft, Sony and Amazon to deliver entire games, co-development and technological problem-solving.
At Climax Studios we're all about finding innovative solutions to our clients' challenges - and maximising creativity, fun and team-spirit in the process.
Climax Studios is a collaborative, inclusive studio and have been at this long enough to know that the best games are made by a team of individuals who feel empowered, valued, and inspired to take initiative and ownership.
At the heart of everything we do is collaboration. Nobody in the industry knows better than Climax how to understand your needs, how to identify the type and level of solution required, and how to put in place integrated collaborative processes that will ensure smooth workflows, maximum cost-effectiveness and ultimately world-beating results. We understand that every moment of gameplay needs to be in keeping with your original vision for your game, and from the earliest stages we put in the work to learn everything there is to know about your IP and culture. Collaboration - it's what we do.